China Atmospheres - China_Atmospheres2
  • China Atmospheres - China_Atmospheres2
  • China Atmospheres - china_atmos5
  • China Atmospheres - china_atmos2
  • China Atmospheres - china_atmos3

China Atmospheres

Immerse yourself in the rich and diverse sounds of China - this is a collection of authentic recordings from various regions. The recordings showcase cultural atmospheres and natural environments, and each track captures a unique moment in time. Recorded in bustling urban settings, traditional rural communities, and serene landscapes, they capture a unique moment in time. Highlights include: 

  • City Life: Experience the hum of Beijing's West Railway Station, with its bustling crowds and tannoy announcements, and the lively concourse at Kunming Airport.
  • Traditional Ceremonies—Listen to the vibrant sounds of a street funeral in Jinping, complete with firecrackers and ritual songs, which give a glimpse into local traditions.
  • Village Atmospheres - From cicada songs in the trees overlooking Yao village to the soft rhythm of a treadle sewing machine, these recordings reflect the daily life and natural ambience in Yunnan's remote areas.
  • Environmental Textures—Explore the tranquil rain on mountain slopes in a Yi village and the interplay of birdsong, distant voices, and the occasional passing traffic on Lvchun High Street.

Each recording, captured with high-quality stereo equipment, brings you closer to the sounds of contemporary and traditional China—perfect for sound designers, artists, and cultural enthusiasts.  

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File details

Duration24 min
File size800.74 MB


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